7 Reasons why you always lose motivation for your projects

1. Too Big Projects 

The most common mistake programming beginners make is choosing their project to big. They only have that big vision of making the next Instagram and want to start right away with it. If you do this, you will quickly lose motivation because the amount of work overwhelms you. 

2. Relying On Too Many Stuff You Don't Know

If your project requires knowing Retrofit, Coroutines, WorkManager and Dragger and you don't know any of these yet, it might be better to choose a project in which you only use Retrofit and learn it.

3. Not Settings Goals

If you don't know what you do all this for, you can lose your motivation faster than you think, A goal could be for example to be able to make an app with which you earn some money or to work as a freelancer someday. It motivates to think about these things you really want.

4. Comparing Yourself to Others

There will always be better programmer than you. People  tend to only compare to people who are better in something which can be really depressing. The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday.

5. Not Doing Activities That Require Discipline

Discipline is like a muscle. The more often you do something that requires discipline the stronger it gets and the easier it is for you to be disciplined. Many people don't train this muscle, even though it has an effect on their entire life. So make sure to do small disciplines each day like taking a cold shower or going for a run. 

6. Wanting It To Fast

We're used to get everything immediately. Contacting our friends, getting food or ordering on Amazon, everything is getting faster and faster. But programming takes time. If you realize after a 24 hour coding marathon that your project is still not finished, you might be frustrated and quit. Therefore, always value consistency over speed.

7. Doing Your Own Thing

Talking to other programmer can really help you to stay motivated for your own projects. So try to find friends who do the same as you and don't just lock yourself in your room to code non-stop.

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