Top 5 books you must read as a programmer

5. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

This book explains the science about the flow state every programmer wants to get in. You will learn why it is that important and how to get in that state.

4. The Power of Habit

Habits control our life. To become a good programmer you have to adopt the right habits and stick to them over a long time. This book describes the science of habits perfectly, it is really eye-opening.

3. Refactoring

This book covers all the principles about refactoring your code. You still have old projects that you want to work on again, but their code sucks? This book teaches you how to improve that existing code.

2. Deep Work

This book focuses totally on the state of "Deep Work". That is the state in which you are fully concentrated and highly productive. lt shows up ways to eliminate distractions and to reach your personal goals. A must read for programmers.

1. Clean Code

This book is gold. lf you think your code quality is good, then read this book. You will realize that it is actually totally shitty. | could improve my code so much by applying what | learned from this book. Seriously, if you don't read this, it's not my fault.

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