1. Use Architectural Design Patterns
Having the right software architecture will decide later on whether you can easily extend your app with additional functionality or not.
2. Eliminate Single Points of Failures
Let's say your app depends on a single server. ln case that server shuts down for whatever reason, your app and all its functionality will also shut down. You can't tolerate such SOPs in a large app.
3. Cache Results
By always caching precomputed results you make sure that you don't need to recalculate them when needed. lnstead, you just load them from cache. Bad performance is very often the reason, people fail at making their app scalable.
4. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan
You should never ever just start coding your app. ln case you do that with a medium or big sized app, i promise you, it will fail! Before your start, sketch every activity, think about functions needed and how you want to connect everything.
5. Always Handle Exceptions
There should never be a function you use that could throw an exception you don't catch. The probability of your app crashing should be exactly 0%.
6. Aim For Simple Design
Your users should immediately know what they have to do to achieve what they want. Complex design will confuse both your users and you.
7. Let Cloud Computers Do Complex Calculations For You
Cloud Computing allows you to get fast results for your calculations while not slowing down your app. There are a lot of great cloud computing solutions out there .